

National Motorcycle Day

For the third consecutive year in European countries such as Spain, National Motorcycle Day is celebrated.

There are definitely countries

where the culture of motorcycling has greater weight within society in general, Spain is a clear example of this. It is a real shame that there are few places where the benefits of traveling by motorcycle are recognized and that the lifestyle of a Biker is so respected, so much so that there is a National Motorcycle Day.

National Motorcycle Day is celebrated every second Sunday of June and the event revolves around a theme, this year the theme is  ROAD SAFETY IS PROMOTED BY YOUR EXAMPLE.

The purpose is to increase the road awareness of society in general, both users and those who are not, also to remember the great positive impact that the use of the motorcycle has in different areas, both economic and environmental, cultural, recreational, etc, etc ... And those who do not know at all informal.

Mutual respect between motorcyclists and the rest of the people who use the streets is undoubtedly the basis of harmonious and healthy coexistence. The knowledge and application of the rules of the road are indispensable to happen, not only in Spain, not only the National Day Moto but always and everywhere.

We know that much needs to be done on the subject, but if something characterizes us Bikers at heart, it is our passion to fight for what we believe in, a true Biker believes in a better world on two wheels and knows that the best way to teach is to lead by example, although it is not always easy.

Let's all celebrate National Motorcycle Day, it doesn't matter that we don't live in Spain, let's celebrate by contributing something positive, something that contributes to our culture.

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