The consumption of gasoline by our motorcycle depends on many factors , from the characteristics of our vehicle, its condition , driving ... However, we can find that our motorcycle consumes a lot of fuel than before, which can make us suspect that we are facing some kind of problem . In general, the reason why our spent fuel bike a lot , usually found on a mechanical problem adjusting vehicle or simply because it has not been done thescheduled maintenance .
In general, if you perform good motorcycle maintenance and use both the original material and the tools recommended by the manufacturer, you should not have any problem in this regard. In addition, before confirming that we are facing a mechanical problem, we must consider that the way we drive our motorcycle can also affect a greater or lesser consumption.
The objective of this article is to present all the causes of increased motorcycle consumption so that you can detect the mechanical problem if there is one or so that you can save gasoline on a motorcycle .
Why does the motorcycle use a lot of gasoline?
Let's look at some of the most common causes of excessive fuel consumption:
The bad carburetion on a motorcycle : One of the usual causes of the excessive fuel consumption . When there is not a perfect equivalence between the air-fuel mixture in our combustion chamber, there is a decompensation of both elements during operation.
The problem can also be in the type of fuel used, over time the passage of fuel to the internal passages of the carburetor can be obstructed, thus affecting a correct carburetion. However, a correct maintenance of the carburetor will help to a great extent to avoid that the motorcycle uses a lot of gasoline.
The oil engine : is another factor influencing fuel consumption . The oil motorcycle is a viscous liquid vital for the operation of the engine. Its main function is to protect and lubricate all internal components of our engine, protect parts against premature wear, absorbing heat and cooling it at the same time.
Failure to perform maintenance in the scheduled time can directly affect the engine of our motorcycle . We must bear in mind that an oil begins to degrade after approximately 3000 km, depending on the type of oil and its use. Once you start to feel that the motorcycle uses and consumes a lot of gasoline , always start by checking the condition and level of the oil, since in many cases it can be the source of the problem. Remember that all lubricants are designed to work at high temperatures and have the ability to facilitate movement and save fuel .
The filter element: It is responsible for the proper flow of air to the engine and must also filter it. A damaged and clogged filter directly obstructs the air passage and as a consequence the engine must work harder to obtain what it needs to function properly.
If a motorcycle wears and consumes a lot of gasoline , it may be the result of poor combustion , remember that the homogeneous mixture is made up of air and fuel , both must be perfectly balanced within the engine.
The air filter generally has a replacement range similar to the oil change, between 2500 to 3000 km; It should be noted that the area in which you are and the use greatly influences it. In hot areas with a certain degree of dust, it will be necessary to change it more frequently. Always resort to checking the user manual.
The tires : Undoubtedly, in addition to providing safety on the motorcycle , they facilitate movement regardless of the type of terrain we are traveling, since each of them has its function.
However, one of the simplest problems to solve, and often ignored, is the lack of air pressure in the tires of a motorcycle. It's amazing, but something as simple as a tire pressure is low , you can increase by 20% and even more than a bike and spend consume gasoline considerably .
Each tire manufacturer often places on the sides the pressure that the rear and front rim of the motorcycle must carry. As a recommendation, always check the air in your tires before leaving and if necessary fill them with the recommended pressure. ``
We must bear in mind that high fuel consumption on a motorcycle can directly affect the performance of the engine . Once a problem related to consumption has been detected, it is important not to forget the points mentioned above.
Tips to save fuel on a motorcycle
Finally, there are elements that influence consumption and that are not related to mechanical aspects but that we must take into consideration:
Riding style : A smooth ride , in addition to being safe, is also an ally so that the motorcycle does not use a lot of gasoline. Another tip is to try to maintain a constant speed when using the motorcycle, avoiding, except in emergency situations, sudden braking or high acceleration . In general, the whole system of the motorcycle will thank you for driving this way.
Road : The condition of the road and its characteristics are also of great importance in this section. The slope and the condition of the asphalt affect gasoline consumption.
Weight : Although it is logical, it is important to take it into account. A motorcycle with a passenger does not consume the same as if only the driver goes, as well as considering their constitution when analyzing the reasons why there may be a higher consumption than usual. Along the same lines, we must take into account the additional load in the case of a trunk, not only due to the load but also due to the friction to the wind that it may offer.
Clothes : Choosing clothes, especially when driving out of town, will also help you reduce gas consumption . Wearing clothing through which the wind filters in offers a higher resistance than if you put a jacket close to the body, with the consequent increase in fuel consumption.
Taking into account these tips to save gasoline on a motorcycle and what you should check about the mechanism of your motorcycle, you can save a lot of fuel. You will notice it in your pocket.